Amani Ahmed
Nutrition Specialist
Years of Experience:
Spoken Languages:
English, Arabic
Specialist at:
Nutrition Specialist
Academic Certificates
- Diploma of Family Medicine
- Hospital Management Diploma
- Professional Diploma In Clinical Nutrition
Practical Experiences
- House officer physician: Suez Canal university hospital, Ismailia General Hospital, Ismailia, Egypt, March 2006- February 2007
- Resident Of Family Medicine: Al Salam primary health care centre, Ismailia, Egypt, June 2007 till February 2012
- Specialist of Family Medicine in Al-Salam Primary Health Care Unit- Ismailia- Egypt, March 2012 till May 2015.
- Specialist of Clinical Nutrition and Obesity, April 2014
Conference & Seminars:
- November 2013 Completed with hands-on training programme of clinical nutrition and obesity (acupuncture – mesotherapy – radio frequency – cavitations- techniques) held by the BRITISH ACADEMY OF CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION in cooperation with misr international academy in the period from 30/11/2013 to 12/04/2014
- February 2014 Attended and participated in infection control training course held in the Ismailia Health Governorate in the period from 1/2/2014 to 9/2/2014
- May 2014 Attended the annual conference of Updates in Obesity Management And Lipolysis Workshop held by Misr international Academy in collaboration with Egyptian Medical Syndicate at 16 May & 23 May 2014
- December 2015 Attended and participated in the activities of NIDE ( National Institute Of Diabetes and Endocrine Diseases) annual scientific conference
- March 2017 Attended the 6th conference of Egyptian Arabic Society for Healthy and Therapeutic Nutrition ( EASHTN) titled Nutrition and Mental Health. 16/3/2017 , Cairo, Egypt
- March 2018 Attended the 7th conference of Egyptian Arabic Society for Healthy and Therapeutic Nutrition ( EASHTN) titled Sports Nutrition . 1/3/2018 , Cairo, Egypt